Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Pagan Edition Promos...for FREE

First 5 e-mails (1 mail per country) will get this copy for FREE (+ free postage)!!!
Send your mail now...!!!  >> ENDED <<

the 5 Pagans are:
- Adrien......(France)
- Petros.......(Greece)
- Reinhart...(Austria)
- Daisuke....(Japan)
- Jeff............(US)

Velvet dark-bordeaux 'flame' anaglyph textile cover, gold printed, 60x60cm giant poster, 3D glasses with double sided 2-theme 3D card-paper insert, leather hand-sewn pagan doll, + pagan's calendar, stamped insert, white labeled & promo-stamped deep red/black marble vinyl.